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Livewire vs. Traditional Laravel: What’s the Difference?

/* by Ajay Patel - June 27, 2023 */

Laravel has long been a favorite among developers for its elegance, simplicity, and readability. It’s a powerful PHP framework that makes it easier to build complex web applications. In recent times, Laravel Livewire has emerged as an exciting addition to the Laravel ecosystem, providing an alternative way to build modern, reactive, dynamic interfaces. But what exactly is the difference between Livewire and traditional Laravel? Let’s dive in and find out.

What is Traditional Laravel?

Traditional Laravel is a robust PHP framework used to build web applications following the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It provides a clean, straightforward way to build server-rendered HTML applications, offering tools for routing, security, database migrations, and more. However, as web applications have become more dynamic and interactive, Laravel has typically been paired with JavaScript frameworks like Vue.js or React.js to handle these needs on the client side.

What is Laravel Livewire?

Laravel Livewire is a full-stack framework for Laravel that makes building dynamic interfaces simple, without leaving the comfort of Laravel. Livewire leverages Laravel’s Blade templating engine, enabling developers to create reactive, dynamic interfaces entirely in PHP, without needing to write JavaScript.

Comparing Traditional Laravel and Laravel Livewire

Development Process

In traditional Laravel, developing a dynamic, interactive web application typically involves writing both PHP and JavaScript code. Laravel Livewire simplifies this process by allowing you to write your entire application in PHP.

Component-Based Architecture

While Laravel has always used components in the form of Blade templates, Livewire takes this a step further by offering a more robust, Vue.js-like component model.

Real-Time Updates

When building real-time features in traditional Laravel, you would typically rely on broadcasting events and listening for them on the client-side with JavaScript. With Laravel Livewire, real-time updates become much simpler.

Learning Curve

If you’re already familiar with Laravel, learning Laravel Livewire is typically quicker and easier than learning a new JavaScript framework.


While Laravel Livewire isn’t a replacement for traditional Laravel, it’s an exciting addition to the Laravel ecosystem that provides an alternative approach to building dynamic, interactive web applications.

Is Livewire Right for You?

The decision to use Laravel Livewire or stick with traditional Laravel often comes down to the specific needs of your project and your comfort level with different technologies. By understanding the differences between Livewire and traditional Laravel, you can make an informed decision about the best approach for your next project.