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A detailed and abstract illustration representing the setup of an HTTPS 1.1 server with Node.js. The image includes elements such as a server icon
Setting Up and Testing an HTTP 1.1 Server with Node.js

In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the process of setting up an HTTP 1.1 server using Node.js. This server will serve static files and provide a basic understanding of handling HTTP requests and responses. Prerequisites Step 1: Initialize the Project Start by creating a new directory for your project and initializing it with npm. This […]

The setup of an HTTP/2 server with Node.js.
Setting Up and Testing an HTTP/2 Server with Node.js

In the previous blog, we covered setting up an HTTPS 1.1 server using Node.js. If you haven’t gone through it yet, you can find it here. In this blog, we will take a step further and set up an HTTP/2 server, which offers significant performance improvements over HTTP 1.1. Prerequisites Step 1: Create the HTTP/2 […]

Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Cart Updates with Payment Intents in an E-Commerce Checkout System

In this blog post, we’ll walk through the process of managing cart updates with payment intents in an e-commerce checkout system. We’ll break down the process into simple steps and provide code examples for both backend (PHP) and frontend (JavaScript) implementations. Our goal is to ensure that payments are authorized and only captured upon seller […]

Understanding Laravel Folio: A Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Developers

Laravel Folio, introduced at LaraconUS 2023, is a new automatic file and directory-based routing system for Laravel. This feature allows developers to map a route to a specific file or folder, similar to file-based routing systems in frameworks like NextJS or NuxtJS. How Laravel Folio Works After installing Folio into your Laravel application, you can […]

Debugging Easier with Laravel 10.x’s New toRawSql() Method

Laravel 10.x introduces toRawSql(), a new method to print raw SQL queries with bindings, making debugging easier. Paired with ddRawSql() and dumpRawSql(), it enhances the developer experience.

Comparative Analysis: Laravel Livewire, Splade, and Inertia.js

Laravel Livewire, Inertia.js, and Splade are robust Laravel packages for creating dynamic web applications. Livewire focuses on PHP-driven interactive components, Inertia.js blends server-side and client-side rendering for SPAs, and Splade combines Blade’s simplicity with SPA capabilities. The choice between these tools depends on project needs and developer comfort with PHP and JavaScript.

HTMX vs React: A Comparative Analysis for Modern Web Development

Explore the world of htmx, a powerful JavaScript library that lets you build dynamic web applications using only HTML. This beginner’s guide introduces key htmx concepts and features, walking you through installation to creating a simple application. Embrace the power of htmx and revolutionize your web development process.

Interfacing the IoT: Automated Lighting with ESP8266 and Kotlin’s Jetpack Compose & Ktor

Discover IoT interfacing with ESP8266 and Kotlin! Transform an ordinary bulb into a ‘smart bulb’ with our detailed guide using Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, and Ktor.

Laravel SaaS Development: Navigating the Challenges

Building a Laravel-based SaaS application involves managing database connections, data isolation, package integration, testing, and flexibility. Third-party packages like ‘Tenancy for Laravel’ can help overcome these challenges and simplify the process.

From Fortnite to Your First Game: A Guide to Game Development

Ever wondered how to go from being a Fortnite fan to creating your own game? This guide is for you. We’ll break down game development into digestible steps, exploring tools, processes, and insights to transform your passion into a playable reality.

Web.dev: A Premier Learning Path for Aspiring Frontend Developers

Explore web.dev’s comprehensive learning path for aspiring frontend developers. Discover courses on privacy, accessibility, HTML, image management, responsive design, forms, progressive web apps, and CSS. Dive into this invaluable resource and accelerate your frontend development journey.

Why Caddy Server is Best for Creating Scalable Infrastructure

Caddy, an enterprise-ready, open-source web server, stands out for scalable infrastructure. It simplifies operations, ensures top-notch security, offers dynamic configuration, and boasts an extensible, lightweight architecture. Ideal for scalable, efficient, and secure web infrastructure.

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